Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Post to 5

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Well, Smartphone Apps that I love? Actually a lot of smartphone apps that I like and I love. In fact, almost all smartphone apps that I love. Why? Because all of these applications are very useful to me. Examples such as facebook application. I really love the application because the facebook application, I can interact with my friends and people around me. Even with the application that I can get acquainted with people I have not seen before. The application is also easier for me to interaction selling my wares.

With the application, I can contact my family through chatting via facebook. I can find announcements and notices about the organization that I follow. with the group provided in facebook application, I could make friends more. So I love facebook application. Aside from Facebook applications, I also love the app instagram and google search. 

        With the instagram app, so I could be posting pictures of goods that I sell and promote it to friends my instagram. And through goggle search application, I can find the information that I have known and facilitate me to work on a job or other lecturers. Of course, the application is very important to me. 

        So, a smartphone application that I love is facebook, instagram and goggle search. And they facilitate me to get information. Do not forget to add my facebook account @santi and my instagram account @santiummy and my goggle account @santi ti. Thank you, Wasalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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