Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

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Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb, I’m santi student from Sekadau city. I am proud to be able to study at the University Tanjungpura Pontianak. I saw in the city of Pontianak lot of tall buildings with a design that is so magnificent. Judging from his work, many residents of Pontianak who works as a trader, selling food, caffe, clothing and souvenirs typical of Pontianak. As well as a shopping center in Pontianak, many shopping areas are very well known by the population, there is a market sudirman, felamboyan market, the market parit besar, kemuning market and much more.

                Similarly Sekadau city, a place where I was born. Job big enough for its population. Arguably Sekadau now being called the city development. Many new developments are made and it was enough to make some residents find work. As well as shopping centers and tourist places, shopping places in Sekadau been enlarged and now there is the construction of the largest markets in Sekadau. travel contained in Sekadau also been widely known by residents of other cities. Many residents of other cities come to Sekadau to travel to the city Sekadau.

                However, of this there is one thing that I am concerned about is the typical souvenirs cities Sekadau they could buy when visiting Sekadau still isolated when a lot of food or objects that could be used Sekadau typical souvenirs. I want to recommend Sekadau will create souvenirs that can be purchased when traveling, Sekadau must open land bigger jobs again by opening a special souvenir market Sekadau origin. Hopefully all of the recommendations that could manifest in Sekadau and could become the largest district in it's history, Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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