20 words that I did not understand
1. Traffic (Lalu Lintas)
2. Interviewing (Wawancara)
3. Struggle (Perjuangan)
4. Firness (kebugaran
5. Guaranteed (Terjamin)
6. Granted (Memang)
7. Reexamine (Memeriksa kembali)
8. Tantrums (amukan)
9. Circumstances (Keadaan
10. Reveal (Mengungkapkan)
11. Neglected (Terlantar)
12. Sacrifice (pengorbanan)
13. Comfort (Kenyamanan)
14. Terrific (hebat)
15. Folks (Orang-orang)
16. Emphasis (Tekanan)
17. Parynership (persekutuan)
18. Worse (Lebih buruk)
19. Withdrawal (penarikan)
20. Outbursts (ledakan)
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb, this is my resuma about the magazine that I read when at the American Corner. I took one of the articles in the magazine that I read called psychology today (Reinvent your self). I took one of the articles titled STUCK IN LIFE'S TRAFFIC JAM june 2014 edition.
Magazine that I read is about a married couple who lived with both parents of his wife, they feel trapped in a traffic jam of their lives. Her husband works as a business owner who is getting trials decline in his business and his wife were working two hours a day as a coach firness. her husband had just lost his mother and sister. they are trying to change their lives. They did not reveal a fight in their marriage, his wife tried to fulfill their lives. frustrated at having to change his lifestyle and his fear of future downward spiral. This is not an emotion that does not make sense even if he can not raise them directly a nd they tend to underlie the grief. air mata dan kemarahan yang keluar mengajarkan mereka untuk tetap bersama walaupun cobaan datang.
From this, they describe to us, that life must change, get rid of grief and invites passion to be unhappy. Embed a strategy to run a better life. Because, without us knowing we have drained our energy in the dumps. Moreover grief with your family. Psychology soul is felt in the incident.
This resume that I made out of a magazine called psychology today (Reinvent your self). may be useful for the readers Amiin.
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